IRPC One Report EN

- 74 - (d) The Company’s tank farms and land expropriated for road construction Some of the Company’s tank farms are located in a yellow zone (low density residential zone) and a light green zone (recreational & environmental reserved zone) which are under the road project, Kor3 and Gor9, under the Ministerial Regulation on Town and Country Planning of Rayong Province B.E. 2549. Such plots of land were restricted from construction of factories, oil and gas tanks. At the present time, the Town and Country Planning Committee, Department of Public Works and Town and Country Planning has considered modifying the Rayong town plan as requested by the Company that the yellow zone and the light green zone be modified to a purple zone (industrial zone and tank farms) in order to operate oil and gas tank farms and to alter the construction plan of two public roads to be away from the Company’s tank farm area. The Town and Country Planning Committee has reviewed the draft of the Ministerial Regulations regarding Rayong Town Plan (4th revised) and removed the road project of Kor3 and Gor9 out from the draft of the Ministerial Regulations. Later, the notification from the Eastern Economic Corridor Policy Committee has been announced in the Royal Gazette indicates that the Company’s tank farms are now located in a purple zone and able to operate the oil and gas tank farms. (e) Use in public ways and gutters The Company has filed a petition for the removal of public ways and gutters in accordance with Section 8 of the Land Code by providing the appropriate land for exchange with the public ways and gutters. The Company has also filed a request for permission to use the state land under Section 9 of the Land Code, which is located in the IRPC Industrial Zone Project at Ban Laeng sub-district, Ta Phong sub-district and Choeng Noen sub-district, Muang Rayong district, Rayong province. Currently, the Company has been granted the permission to use the state land under Section 9 of the Land Code and has also filed a request for a renewal of such permission within the period specified by the laws. Regarding the removal of the public ways and gutters under Section 8 of the Land Code, the Company is in the process of execution and considering of the relevant government agencies (see Note 40). (f) Significant agreements with related parties and other entities Sales/Purchase of Refined Oil Agreement from a depot, Chumporn province The Company entered into a Sales/Purchase of Refined Oil Agreement from the depot in Chumporn province with PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited. The Company agrees to sell refined oil from its depot in Chumporn province at a quantity and pricing rates as stipulated in the agreement. The agreement is effective for a period of 1 year with a maturity date of December 31, 2021. The Company has extended the agreement to December 31, 2022. The new terms and conditions are stipulated in the renewal agreement. Crude and Feedstock Supply Agreement The Company has entered into Crude and Feedstock Supply Agreements with PTT Public Company Limited. The agreements shall be effective for a period of 1 year with maturity date on December 31, 2022. The purchase quantity and pricing structure of crude and feedstock supply are as stipulated in the agreements. Gas Sale and Purchase Agreement On June 9, 2009, the Company entered into a Gas Sale and Purchase Agreement with PTT Public Company Limited (PTT) for the quantity and price as specified in the agreement. The agreement is effective for a period of 10 years starting from the date gas is delivered by PTT and the date the Company is in receipt on January 1, 2011. The agreement can be extended under the conditions stipulated in the agreement. 376 IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 56-1 ONE REPORT 2021