IRPC One Report EN

- 41 - 19. BORROWINGS 19.1 Long-term borrowings from financial institutions and debentures Long-term borrowings from financial institutions and debentures as at December 31, consist of: Unit : Million Baht Consolidated financial statements Separate financial statements 2021 2020 2021 2020 Long-term borrowings from financial institutions 37,153 43,129 37,153 43,129 Less Current portion of long-term borrowings from financial institutions (8,586) (6,445) (8,586) (6,445) Less Deferred financing fees (46) (71) (46) (71) Total long-term borrowings from financial institutions 28,521 36,613 28,521 36,613 Debentures 24,000 18,890 24,000 18,890 Less Current portion of debentures (1,999) (6,890) (1,999) (6,890) Less Deferred debentures issuance costs (28) (16) (28) (16) Total debentures 21,973 11,984 21,973 11,984 Total current portion of long-term borrowings from financial institutions and debentures 10,585 13,335 10,585 13,335 Total long-term borrowings from financial institutions and debentures 50,494 48,597 50,494 48,597 Long- term borrowings The Company entered into the following long-term borrowing agreements with local and foreign financial institutions for capital expenditure projects of the Group as follows: - On June 29, 2018, the Company entered into the Facility Agreement of US Dollar 200 million with two financial institutions. The agreement is for a period of 7 years with an interest rate at LIBOR plus a certain margin per annum. The principal repayment is separated into 9 semi-annually instalments, starting from June 2020. The loans were fully drawn down. - Unsecured loans with facilities of Baht 10,000 million with three local financial institutions are for a period of 8 years with the interest rate of the average maximum 6-month fixed deposit rate of four commercial banks plus a certain margin per annum. The payment of interest is monthly whereas the principal repayment is separated into 12 semi-annually instalments, starting from June 2016. The loans were fully drawn down. - Unsecured loans with facilities of Baht 3,000 million with a local financial institution are for a period of 8 years with the interest rate of the maximum 6-month fixed deposit rate of an individual plus a certain margin per annum. The payments of interest is semi-annually whereas the principle repayment is separated into 10 semi-annually instalments, starting from September 30, 2017 (the 42nd month from the loan agreement date). The loans were fully drawn down. - Unsecured loans with facilities of Baht 4,000 million with a local financial institution are for a period of 8 years from the first draw down with the interest rate of the maximum 6-month fixed deposit rate plus a certain margin per annum. The interest will be paid every month whereas the principal repayment is separated into 12 semi-annually instalments, starting from December 28, 2018 (the 30th month from the first draw down). The loans were fully drawn down. 343 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED