IRPC One Report EN

- 38 - Unit : Million Baht Consolidated financial statements Other noncurrent financial assets Fixed assets Lease liabilities Derivatives Total Deferred tax liabilities As at January 1, 2020 - 524 - - 524 The effects from first-time adoption of new accounting policies to other comprehensive income 1 - - - 1 Net (charged)/credited to profit or loss - (152) 2 28 (122) Net (charged) /credited to other comprehensive income 2 - - - 2 As at December 31, 2020 3 372 2 28 405 Net (charged)/credited to profit or loss - (106) (2) (28) (136) Net (charged)/credited to other comprehensive income (1) - - - (1) As at December 31, 2021 2 266 - - 268 Presentation in the statements of financial position As at December 31, 2021 Deferred tax assets - net 1,152 As at December 31, 2020 Deferred tax assets - net 2,812 Unit : Million Baht Separate financial statements Provisions for Employee benefit obligations Fixed assets Taxable loss carried forward Derivatives Others Total Deferred tax assets As at January 1, 2020 958 164 466 - 197 1,785 The effects from first-time adoption of new accounting policies to other comprehensive income - - - (136) - (136) Net charged/(credited) to profit or loss (148) 80 1,082 235 177 1,426 Net charged/(credited) to other comprehensive income 28 - - - (3) 25 As at December 31, 2020 838 244 1,548 99 371 3,100 Net charged/(credited) to profit or loss 34 (32) (1,548) (49) (88) (1,683) Net charged/(credited) to other comprehensive income (80) - - - (1) (81) As at December 31, 2021 792 212 - 50 282 1,336 340 IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 56-1 ONE REPORT 2021