IRPC One Report EN

Total Premium on Appropriated - shareholders’ Note ordinary shares Legal reserve Unappropriated equity Balance as at January 1, 2020 - As previously reported 20,434,419,246 28,554,212,397 2,047,500,000 30,969,521,834 (20,750,552) 81,984,902,925 The effects from first-time adoption of new accounting policies - - - 545,710,133 4,962,329 550,672,462 Balance as at January 1, 2020 - Restated 20,434,419,246 28,554,212,397 2,047,500,000 31,515,231,967 (15,788,223) 82,535,575,387 Dividends paid 35 - - - (2,043,417,491) - (2,043,417,491) Loss for the year - - - (5,435,847,791) - (5,435,847,791) Other comprehensive (loss) income for the year - - - (111,840,674) 14,777,078 (97,063,596) Balance as at December 31, 2020 20,434,419,246 28,554,212,397 2,047,500,000 23,924,126,011 (1,011,145) 74,959,246,509 Balance as at January 1, 2021 20,434,419,246 28,554,212,397 2,047,500,000 23,924,126,011 (1,011,145) 74,959,246,509 Dividends paid 35 - - - (2,860,742,237) - (2,860,742,237) Profit for the year - - - 13,762,434,387 - 13,762,434,387 Other comprehensive income (loss) for the year - - - 321,612,592 (2,253,105) 319,359,487 Balance as at December 31, 2021 20,434,419,246 28,554,212,397 2,047,500,000 35,147,430,753 (3,264,250) 86,180,298,146 IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED AND SUBSIDIARIES STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2021 Unit : Baht Separate financial statements Gain (loss) on financial assets of shareholders’ equity Other components comprehensive income through other measured at fair value Issued and paid-up share capital Notes to the financial statements form an integral part of these statements Retained earnings 298 IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 56-1 ONE REPORT 2021