IRPC One Report EN

stages of implementation, with regard to risk assessment and risk management approaches. The Company is also developing IRPC Way of Conduct to provide oversight, supervision and monitoring of companies within IRPC Group. This year, the Company announced the IRPC Group’s management policy. IRPC achieved ISO 27001 certification for information security management to provide assurance of the Company’s efficient and effective IT security management. The Company has developed Personal Data Privacy Policy, appointed a working group and data protection officer as well as upgraded its IT system to enhance its personal data control process, including alerting relevant members of the staff to the Personal Data Privacy Act (PDPA) now in force. 4. Information & Communication IRPC values quality information and communication which are key components supporting effective internal control. An E-Compliance system has been developed to collect information with regard to laws, rules, regulations, and relevant requirements as well as compliance assessment system. The E-Compliance system is expected to be ready for system compatibility test in 2022. Progress in the project implementation will be communicated to the Company’s Board of Directors, executives, employees, and stakeholders as appropriate. Meeting agenda will be delivered to members of the Board prior to the Board meeting, so they can prepare for decision-making. The Company has announced policy and an integrated approach to Governance, Risk Management/Internal Control and Compliance (GRC), which will be communicated to raise awareness among employees about GRC implementation guidelines and how to apply it in the line of their duties to ensure efficiency, transparency, and compliance. IRPC has provided internal communication channels, which consist of communication from the top management to employees through Town Hall events, communication via corporate intranet, communication via electronic mail, and communication via Line group. External communication channels for stakeholder engagement consist of SMS, Line group, electronic mail, Facebook page and corporate website. There are also units dedicated to regular information disclosure to stakeholders as well as complaint-handling channels and Whistleblower system to assure employees and external persons that their complaints will be handled in a transparent, honest, fair, and timely manner, while being kept confidential. 5. Monitoring Activities IRPC has established a process for monitoring and assessing the adequacy of internal control along with guidelines to further improve and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the Company’s internal control system. Executives at all levels are charged with the duty to provide oversight and monitor work systems under their respective purviews to ensure efficiency and strict compliance with applicable policies, rules, and regulations. Internal control unit of Corporate Strategic and Sustainability Planning Department is tasked with assessing the adequacy and suitability of internal control system while providing advice on how to improve or remedy internal control deficiencies that have been detected. IRPC imposes reporting requirements for any internal control deficiency detected so that the management is alerted in a timely manner, along with monitoring process to ensure any remedial measure taken is effective and completed on time. The Office of Corporate Internal Audit, an independent unit reporting directly to the Audit Committee, is tasked with reviewing, and assessing internal control effectiveness for various activities under audit plans approved by the Audit Committee. These plans align with IRPC’s strategic direction and critical risks facing the Company’s businesses. The office also provides recommendations for improving internal control efficiency and effectiveness by informing the management of remedial actions, reporting to the Audit Committee findings and the progress of remedial actions to completion. (Mr. Krit Imsaeng) Chairman IRPC Public Company Limited 275 Internal Control and Connected Transaction IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED