IRPC One Report EN

The investigative procedure begins with the Office of Corporate Internal Audit. This department is solely responsible for supervising the investigation and monitoring its progress. It also prepares a detailed report of all known wrongdoings or violations of the Code of Conduct to be submitted to the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors on a monthly and quarterly basis, respectively. In practice, the Corporate Internal Audit has the power to determine whether each whistleblowing submission merits further investigation. Once investigation is completed and any person found to have committed wrongdoing will be subject to disciplinary actions in accordance with the company’s regulations. All whistleblowers and witnesses will be afforded protection. In 2021, the Internal Audit Office received submissions through the following channels: Time Period Complaint Channel Category of Complaint CEO Auditor PO Box 35, Sun Tower Postal Office Employee’s conduct Operation Suggestion Corruption Total 6 3 24 5 20 7 1 6) Corporate Governance Compliance in Other Matters Anti-Corruption IRPC operates its business with integrity, adheres to its code of conduct and is in compliance with the law and international anti-corruption and anti-bribery best practices. The company endeavors to eliminate corruption, bribery, and coercion in all forms by building knowledge and promoting understanding in the matters among personnel at all levels as well as throughout the supply chain. The company also set up convenient, appropriate channels to receive complaints along with efficient complaint handling process. IRPC has implemented and continued to refine its anti-corruption measures as follows: • The Board of Directors has set out concrete anticorruption policies and practices, such as anti-graft, anti-corruption, anti-bribery policies, no-gift policy. These policies apply to every person at every level of IRPC and the IRPC Group. Training and occasional campaigning are used to raise awareness. These policies are published on the company’s website and via other communication channels. Additionally, the Board of Directors endeavors to expand the IRPC anticorruption network to include stakeholders, such as other IRPC Group companies, joint-venture partners, and contractors. The company’s anti-corruption practices have been disclosed to all its partners. Many of these activities have been ongoing between 2016 and 2021. • The Audi t Commi ttee includes corrupt ion risk management and assessment on its corporate internal audit agenda. The committee also requires corruption risks to be controlled, monitored, assessed, and reported to the Board on a regular basis. Details of anti-corruption activities in 2021 appear under “Creating Corporate Governance Awareness and Mindset in 2021” Page 214. Human Rights The Company respects and treats employees, communities, and related parties in the supply chain in accordance with international human rights principles and human rights law. The company affords freedom and equality to individuals, which are guaranteed and protected by Thai and international laws. It never violates or conspires in the violation of human rights, directly or indirectly. IRPC respects human dignity and provides equal opportunity regardless of ethnicity, religion faith, gender, skin color, disability, or social status. The Board of Directors has announced the latest Human Rights Policy of IRPC Group, the 2021 revised edition, already disclosed on the company’s website, to ensure that the company’s business operations are free from human rights violations in all aspects.In addition, strategies have been developed to integrate respect for human rights into the value chain. The key words for this campaign are Protect, Respect and Remedy, which will be implemented through communication, awareness campaigns, and networking activities. 269 Report on Key Corporate Governance Activities IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED