IRPC One Report EN

approval. Once approved, minutes and relevant documents are electronically stored and classified for reference that can be accessed by authorized persons according to their level of security clearance. In 2021, the Board of Directors held 15 meetings, physical as well as e-meetings, consisting of three physical meeting and 12 e-meetings. Of these, one a was held to determine or review the direction, strategy, and business plan of the organization (BOD-STS) as a special agenda, two meetings were held among independent directors, and one was a Board of Directors meeting in the absence of the management. In keeping with corporate governance principles, directors gave suggestions that were beneficial to the company, and freely discussed the management’s work. The Board meeting requested the management to take suggestions and recommendations for consideration or implementation, and report back to the Board periodically. At the meetings of independent directors (on May 24, 2021 and October 19, 2021), topics discussed included IRPC’s research and development, production efficiency planning, marketing planning and logistics planning, organizational potential development, implementation of NOAH project and succession planning, etc. Meeting of the Board of Directors in the absence of the management (on July 20, 2021) covered a range of topics of great potential benefits to IRPC, such as human resource management to develop future-proof skill sets for growth amid changing trends in the years ahead, asset management to create added value, strategic planning and research and development in line with the country’s economic stimulation policy, large project management and corporate integrity and business ethics, etc. The Board as a whole attended 100 per cent of its meetings in 2021. Individual directors attended an average of more than 93 per cent of the meetings. The table below summarizes the attendance rates of the Board of Directors and Sub-Committees: 261 Report on Key Corporate Governance Activities IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED