IRPC One Report EN

Assessment Topic Assessment Score 2020 Assessment Score 2021 1. Business knowledge 91.67% 95.56% 2. Expertise in performing duties 100% 100% 3. Powers and duties assigned 100% 100% 4. Independence and fairness 100% 100% 5. Understanding of duties and responsibilities 97.62% 99.06% 6. Operations and meetings 99.07% 98.52% Total score 98.06% 98.85% Assessment Topic Assessment Score 2021 1. Anti-Corruption Policy and Intent have 2. Corruption risk assessment in various businesses have 3. Mechanism for receiving complaints and managing corruption have 4. Reporting and joining the Anti-Corruption Network have Total score Prepare all items Assessment Topic Assessment Score 2020 Assessment Score 2021 1. Meeting preparation 96.62% 97.71% 2. Meeting process 94.46% 98.29% Total score 95.54% 98.00% 4.4.3) Assessment of the performance of the individual audit committee 5) Evaluation of the Board’s Meeting Effectiveness (Assessing Company Secretary) 6) Assessment form for the Committee in Overseeing Anti-corruption Measures 259 Report on Key Corporate Governance Activities IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED