IRPC One Report EN

made arrangement for newly appointed directors to attend a director orientation before the first Board meeting. The President and CEO always makes himself available to provide new directors with an introductory briefing, and handed out information regarding organizational overview, rules and regulations, and various handbooks. In 2021, four new directors attended the orientation, namely (1) Ms. Peangpanor Boonklum, Director, (2) Asst. Prof. Chaiporn Puprasert, Independent Director, (3) Mr. Supoj Laosuarpha, Director, and (4) Mr. Chansak Chuenchom, Director. Development of Directors and ExecutiveOfficers IRPC encourages its directors and executive officers to partake in training programs that enable them to familiarize themselves with the company’s management style, industry overview and roles and responsibilities of a director. Every director has attended the orientation (for further details please refer to Directors’ Biographies Page 28-44). The company secretary also coordinated with the directors to find time for them to attend new training sessions organized by the Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD). Thirakupt Law Office also hosted a workshop for directors and executive officers on “Knowledge and Practices Relating to Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA).” 3) Board Performance Assessment and Performance Review of the President and CEO Board Performance Assessment IRPC’s Board of Directors requires an annual performance assessment to be conducted for the board to review its performance, identify problems and obstacles during the year. In 2021, assessment forms were prepared according to the standards of Good Corporate Governance of the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the ASEAN CG Scorecard. The six assessment forms are: (1) Self-assessment form of the entire Board of Directors (2) Self-assessment form of individual directors (3) Director’s mutual performance assessment form (2-person cross assessment) (4) SubCommittee performance assessment forms, for the Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Corporate Governance Committee, and Risk Management Committee (5) Board of Directors’ meeting effectiveness assessment form (6) Board of Directors’ anti-corruption oversight assessment form. 2021 Performance Assessment of the Board of Directors and Sub-Committees 1) Board of Directors’ Performance Assessment topic Assessment score 2020 Assessment score 2021 1. Board Structure and Board Qualifications 97.80% 98.33% 2. Roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors in formulating important business policies 93.99% 97.02% 3. Board guidelines 95.77% 97.86% 4. Meeting of directors 98.15% 99.43% Total score 96.43% 98.16% 255 Report on Key Corporate Governance Activities IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED