IRPC One Report EN

Human Resources Human Resources Management Human Resources Management in Accordance with Business Strategy IRPC is well aware of the change and business competition, full of challenges from diverse industries int the future. Therefore, the Company strived to develop and enhance the organization’s competitiveness in various dimension continuously from year 2020 such as competitive cost, speedy business operation, fast and precise decision making. The company has come up with the project to strengthen organizational performance called NewOrganization with Agile Human: NOAHwith the major goals of cost andwaste (Lean) reduction inwork process and regulation by integrating new technology to enhance work efficiency. In addition, the company has also performed the following adjustment and transformation in various dimensions: • Modernization of the organizational structure and manpower rate to collaborate with the future business mission, including the cultivation of “Agile way of work” implementation. • Enhancement of existing skills (Upskill), and new skill building (Reskill), this includes an up-to-date on digital and technology knowledge, similar to, the mideset of creativity and customer centric, which will make them ready for the coming future business • Recruitment and Selection Improvement, this is to increase good people, knowledge, experiences, to drive the company to the current and future goals and objectives The Development of Human Resource Management Employee’s Competency Development In order for IRPC to be competitive in the industry, the Company has set up a leadership competency system and work competency to be the model to collaborate with company strategy. The company applied 70:20:10 Model for Learning and Development to develop employee’s skill and use as guidelines for employee’s competency and behaviors’ development in all levels to meet business’s requirements. The company has set up the curriculum for all employee levels and various careers, by cooperating with leading institute and organization to develop content, method of learning, teaching and action learning including job rotation and onthe-job training. Furthermore, the Company has improved the knowledge management system to be up-to-date and to be easily access to various courses and curriculum via online systems connected to external institute and organizations. Build understanding Readiness check 1 on 1 Coaching Assessment Analysis Define Process Excellence Learning & Competency Strategy Design, Build Understanding and Renewal Assessment Stage 1 Awareness & Understanding Change Management Stage 3 Action & Continuance Stage 2 Consent Development Execution Monitoring Business Direction & Learning Development Policy Define Competency Competency readiness check Competency result analysis Gap closing & define way to development Build understanding among manager Build understanding to employee by manager Competency assessment 1 on 1 link to IDP via PMS Competency creation and course curriculum development Report on LMS (iConnect) & Central budget 70:20:10 Learning & Development Model Experiential: Working with new and challenging experience Social Learning: Build communities & special interest groups Monitoring & coaching Training: Structured courses, workshops & e-learning 70% 20% 10% 246 IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 56-1 ONE REPORT 2021