IRPC One Report EN

Auxiliary Risk Management Committees at Management Level In addition to the Risk Management Committee of the Board of Directors, IRPC has established the following auxiliary risk management committees, workgroups and risk agents to monitor enterprise-wide risk management activities and ensure greater efficiency in the company’s overall risk management and internal control systems: 1. Risk Management and Internal Control Committee (RMCC) 2. Hedging Committee 3. Risk Manager, who is responsible for managing the overall risk of a business unit. 4. Risk Owner, who is responsible for risk management and development of risk management plan. 5. Risk Agent, who coordinates risk management planning within a unit or project, and reports risk management progress status or performance to the respective departmental or project manager to ensure appropriate, sufficient risk management that corresponds to risks at the unit level Duties and Responsibilities 1) Review and evaluate investment management, investment budgeting and support the operations of IRPC and its subsidiaries. 2) Scrutinize important business matters that require the Board’s approval. 3) Evaluate the company’s key operations based on accurate and complete information. 4) Keep abreast of latest developments within the company as well as national and international situations and events that may impact the company’s business operations. 5) Monitor progress status of the implementation of company’s key strategies. 6) Consider and approve budgets for major investment projects that are within the President and CEO’s approval authority. 7) Review human resource management policy with a view to further develop its management mechanisms. 8) Scrutinize operational risk management. 9) Evaluate Oversee environmental, social and governance (ESG) activities. 10) Review safety and occupational health and environmental activities and provide solutions to problems. Foster awareness and the importance of coordination among units in matters, such as handling of complaints or incidents, etc. 11) Follow up on internal audit results and solutions proposed by the Audit Committee to bring about enterprise-wide improvements. 12) Monitor the progress and performance of IRPC and its subsidiaries and offer recommendations. 13) Present relevant and function-specific information to ensure that the President and CEO or other senior executive officers make well-informed decisions. Management-Level Committees and Working Groups The President and CEO established other committees and working groups as appropriate to IRPC’s strategic plan and current situation. These groups help manage, advance, evaluate and carry out specific tasks as follows: 1) The Rayong Management Committee (RMM) serves as an integrated management team for all IRPC plants in Rayong. The committee aligns the operations of these plants with IRPC vision and missions enabling them to achieve predetermined goals. 2) The Section 9 Licenses Committee is in charge of managing the use of public properties. It also oversees how community complaints are handled and resolved, ensuring transparency and bringing about helpful solutions for both IRPC and surrounding communities. 3) The Environmental Management Committee (EMC) oversees environmental management and corporate social responsibility programs, ensuring their alignment with the quality, security, safety, health, environmental and energy management (QSSHE) policy. 4) Vice President meetings are scheduled for the last Friday of each month. This meeting keeps executive officers up to date on every aspect of the company’s operations. ness issues, workforce issues, among other things. Matters of significance will be presented to the MC meeting. 238 IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 56-1 ONE REPORT 2021