IRPC One Report EN

company regulators, such as the Stock Exchange of Thailand and Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as those of nationally and internationally recognized organizations, so as to support IRPC’s strategies and goals. The committee shall also review and revise these policies and guidelines periodically. 3. Determine guidelines, oversight and monitoring mechanisms to ensure IRPC’s operations are in compliance with defined policies and practices so as to continually improve and strengthen corporate governance. 4. Review compliance with corporate governance policy and guidelines as well as other pertinent matters of significance. 5. Approve methods for assessing the performance of the Board and its committees. The committee also reports assessment results to the Board of Directors and shareholders every year. 6. Give advice, suggestions and recommendation pertaining to corporate governance guidelines to the Board of Directors. 7. Perform other tasks assigned by the Board. Term of Office 1. Members’ term of office shall be equal to that of their directorships (up to three years) 2. Members who complete their terms of office may be re-appointed, subject to the Board’s discretion, but they may serve no more than three consecutive terms, or a combined total of nine years. There shall be no exceptions. Duties and Responsibilities 1. Review and advise the Board of Directors on establishment of CG Framework that is aligned with IRPC’s operational structure, in line with international best practices. 2. The committee shall prescribe corporate governance policy and guidelines as well as other pertinent matters of significance, such as the Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct, sustainability management, social, community, and environmental responsibility, anti-bribery and anti-corruption drives, and policies related to governance, risk management, and compliance management (GRC), to ensure compliance with the principles, standards, and requirements of listed 234 IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 56-1 ONE REPORT 2021