IRPC One Report EN

Chairman The Board of Directors elects 1member as a chairman, to support and promote the performance of the Board at the highest extend of the responsibility assigned, to oversee and monitor management results of the Board and Sub-Committees to ensure effectiveness as specified in corporate objectives. President and Chief Executive Officer is appointed by the Board of Directors Senior Executive Vice President is appointed by the Board of Directors. The duty is to manage work under responsibility, policy, and target assigned by the President and Chief Executive Officer. Management Committee The duty is to manage and ensure the parallel direction of the whole operations, to consider important matters on business operation, and to screen the agenda as to propose to the Board for approval. The committee comprises of: • President and Chief Executive Officer • Senior Executive Vice President • Executive Vice President Company Secretary is appointed by the Board of Directors. The duty is to perform secretarial tasks pursuant to the Securities and Stock Exchange Act B.E. 2551 and as stipulated by the Capital Market SupervisoryBoardaswell asperforming duties assigned by the Board. Company Secretary President and Chief Executive Officer is appointed and supervised by the Board of Directors, having duty to manage Company’s operation to ensure its compliancewithobjectives, policies, and strategies set forth by the Board as well as report the Company’s performance result to the Board in a correct and transparent manner. Corporate Governance Committee is appointed by the Board and theSub-Committee shall comprise of at least 3 members, at least 1 of whom shall be independent director, having duty to propose practice guidelines, give advice on good corporate governance to the Board, to oversee the good corporate governance operation of the Company to ensure the efficiency. Risk Management Committee is appointed by theBoard and the Sub-Committee shall compriseof at least 3 members, having duty to formulate risk management policy, risk management plan, and riskmanagement procedures to cover the entire organization.