IRPC One Report EN

Shareholders IRPC conducts business with integrity, taking into account the highest benefit of shareholders, considering sustainable growth and adequate continuous return. In the General Meeting of Shareholders, shareholders will appoint the Board, acknowledge the annual operation result of the Company and consider meeting agenda as stipulated by law, including approval of the financial statement. Board of Directors The Board of Directors consists of 15 members. The duty is to oversee all corporate operations to ensure the compliance to policies, directions, and targets that will return maximum benefit to shareholders, taking into account the interest of all stakeholders with fairness, social responsibility adherence, under the moral and code of conduct to become the Good Corporate Citizen of the world. Sub-Committee Report Appointment Audit Committee is appointed by theBoard and the Sub-Committee shall comprise of at least 3 independent directors, having duty to audit financial statement and to give advice on internal audit procedures. The Board shall have at least 1 member who has adequate knowledge and experience in auditing the accountability of the Company’s financial statement. Nomination and Remuneration Committee is appointed by the Board and theSub-Committee shall comprise of at least 3 members, at least 1 ofwhomshall bean independent director, havingduty in selecting candidates for directorship, Sub-Committee, President and Chief ExecutiveOfficer, including to determine fair remuneration. Independent Directors is independent frommajor shareholders or group(s) of major shareholders and theCompany executives. The director’s duty is to express their opinions freely under the assigned tasks to protect benefit of all shareholders and stakeholders equally. As of the end of 2020, the IndepedentDirectors consists of 8 members. In the event where the chairman is not an independent director, the independent directormay be elected to perform duty in the meeting on some occasions. The Board of Directors has envisioned IRPC’s vision “To Shape Material and Energy Solutions in Harmony with Life” by formulating short-and long-term strategic plan to assure that the Company’s growth will be in line with targeted direction Corporate Governance Structure and Important Information about the Board of Directors, Sub-Committees, and Executives