IRPC One Report EN

Human Rights Promotion Activities • The Executive Vice President, Office of Corporate Affairs, invited to speak at a panel discussion on “Corporate Strategies and Policies on Business and Human Rights” organized by the Rights and Liberties Protection Department. Ministry of Justice. • The Executive Vice President, Office of Corporate Affairs, invited to speak and share experience on human rights affairs as IRPC was awarded Human Rights Role Model Organization 2020 at the award presentation in 2021 held at Department of Rights and Liberties Protection, Ministry of Justice. • Participate in online discussion “Bangkok Pride 2.0, COVID-19 Recovery Towards LGBTQI Inclusion” to promote the implementation of universal human rights concerning LGBT people organized by the SEC Office in collaboration with the Canadian Embassy in Thailand, and the APCOM Foundation. • Assign ERMSiam to conduct a comprehensive assessment of risks and impacts on human rights, with various stakeholder groups participating in the assessment. • IRPC’s Office of Corporate Affairs, together with the Strategic Planning and Sustainability Department and ERM Siam Company Limited, organized a workshop on Human Rights Due Diligence, with participation of relevant departments and customers/ suppliers/ contractors who are interested. Activities to Raise Corporate Governance Awareness • Together with companies in the PTT group organize PTT Group CG Day 2021 under the concept “The Power of Business Integrity” in an online event using 100 per cent Virtual Conference in keeping with the New Normal lifestyle and to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The event aimed to showcase the PTT Group’s solidarity striving to drive business growth guided by the principles of good corporate governance and operational transparency, and to encourage PTT Group’s personnel to be aware of the campaign against graft and corruption in all forms. The corporate governance principles must be established internally at the company’s level and externally in the wider society while knowledge exchange must be encouraged to raise the corporate governance standards within the PTT Group to meet internationally accepted standards. • Organize IRPC CG DAY 2021 activities to campaign, promote and create corporate governance awareness and mindset as well as code of business conduct, respect for the human rights by combining the Supplier Conference and CG Conference activities under the concept “Synchronization for the Life Balance” as follows: - CG Conference: Announcement of the commitment by executives of IRPC and IRPC Group to conduct business guided by good corporate governance. The event was joined by stakeholders, such as 215 Corporate Governance Policy IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED