IRPC One Report EN

• Director Orientation for all members of the Board of Directors to attend training at Thirakup Law Office on “Knowledge and Guidelines on Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA)” Reviews of Corporate Governance Policy and Guidelines IRPC promotes full compliance with good corporate governance guidelines to build confidence among all stakeholder groups. In 2021, the company followed up on the matter to ensure its corporate governance policy was translated into practice at IRPC and its subsidiaries as follows: • Examine, analyze, and assess the company’s compliance with corporate governance principles, which are compared with domestic and international benchmarks, such as DJSI criteria, Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed Companies (CGR), Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD), AGM Checklist, Thai Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption (CAC), to develop, improve and update the company’s policies and best practices, etc. • Establish an E-Compliance digital library of laws and rules relevant to the company’s business operations • Prepare the annual report on the disclosure of conflicts of interest Creating Corporate Governance Mindset and Awareness in 2021 IRPC has taken steps to enhance awareness and understanding of good corporate governance, disseminate knowledge, principles, concepts and practices among the executives, employees, suppliers, customers, and personnel of its subsidiaries, to lay the groundwork for a shift towards sustainable development as follows: Anti-Corruption Activities • IRPC Oil Company Limited has received certificate of accreditation and membership of the Thai Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption (CAC). • Join the online National Anti-Corruption Day 2021 activities, Facebook Live event of the anti-corruption organization under the concept of “Engage Children to Build the Nation.” Led by Mr. Chawalit Tippawanich, IRPC Chief Executive Officer and President, the management team demonstrated their commitment that “IRPC does not accept corruption in any form.” • The Executive Vice President, Office of Corporate Affairs, was invited as speaker at a panel discussion on “Cooperation in Preventing Corruption” organized by Office of the NACC, a training program for the development of newly appointed NACC officials, Class 31. • The management and employees achieved 100 per cent conflicts of interest reporting for the seventh consecutive year. 214 IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 56-1 ONE REPORT 2021