IRPC One Report EN

key workplans, which were submitted to the Board of Directors for approval, as follows: • Policies and guidelines on anti-graft and anti-corruption of IRPC Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries (IRPC Group)” (Revised Edition 2021) • Policies and guidelines on corporate compliance of IRPC Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries (IRPC Group)” (Revised Edition 2021) • Human rights Policy of IRPC Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries (IRPC Group)” (Revised Edition 2021) • Diversity and Inclusion Policy (D&I Policy)” of IRPC Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries (IRPC Group)” (Revised Edition 2021) • GRC Policy and integration approach • Performance appraisal of the Board of Directors and Sub-Committees for 2020 and Performance assessment form of the Board of Directors and Sub-Committees to be used as an assessment form for the performance of the Board of Directors in 2021 • Approval of the Corporate Governance (CG) Work Plan and the Compliance Work Plan for 2022 • Approval of the Corporate Social Responsibility, Community and Environment Work Plan for 2022 • Approval of the Sustainability Management Plan for 2022 Significant Developments in Corporate Governance Policy, Procedures and Governance System in 2021 In 2021, the company implemented corporate governance activities to further develop, standardize and strengthen corporate governance system by reviewing policy, principles, and relevant procedures in accordance with the rules, notifications, and guidelines for good corporate governance of the SEC Office and SET on a regular basis as well as implementing the Corporate Governance Plan in 2021, approved by the Corporate Governance Committee, as follows: Changes and Important Developments Relating to the Reviews of Corporate Governance Policy, Guidelines and Governance Systems or Charter of the Board of Directors In 2021, the Corporate Governance Committee approved the revised corporate governance policy, along with relevant IRPC and IRPC Oil Company Limited have received certificate of accreditation and membership extension of the Thai Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption (CAC). 213 Corporate Governance Policy IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED