IRPC One Report EN

Business Ethics IRPC establish Code of Business Conduct, comprising principles and good practices, to provide guidelines for its business operations. This Code of Business Conduct is applicable to the Board of Directors, executive officers, and all employees. The Board and executive officers must lead by example, discharging their duties with honesty, integrity, fairness, transparency, and accountability so that a culture of good corporate governance may thrive and take roots. Corporate Governance and Code of Business Conduct Handbook The company has published Corporate Governance and Code of Business Conduct Handbook with the approval of the Board of Directors. The current handbook, in its third edition, contains the principles of corporate governance, code of business conduct and guidelines for the Board of Directors, executives, and employees, and code of conduct and guidelines on treatment of stakeholders as well as code of business conduct and guideline on business practices, respecting and compliance with laws, regulations, standards, including international human rights principles, political neutrality, anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing, fair competition and anti-monopoly, safety and occupational health and environmental quality standards, internal control, internal audit and risk management, insider information, confidentiality of trade secrets, information for news media, opinions given to third parties, information disclosure, vested interests and conflicts of interest, giving and accepting gifts, money or other benefits, etc. Copies of the Corporate Governance and Code of Business Conduct Handbook were delivered all directors, executives, and employees of IRPC and subsidiaries within IRPC Group. They must read and sign a form to “acknowledge and pledge to observe” the handbook in guiding principle of operation and to implement them consistently. Furthermore, the handbook was also published on the company’s website to make it accessible to all stakeholders and members of the general public. The IRPCCorporate Governance and Code of Business Conduct Handbook is available at Communicating and Promoting Compliance with the Corporate Governance and Code of Business Conduct Handbook This is to enhance knowledge, understanding and emphasizing the importance of corporate governance to employees at all levels. The company has organized awareness campaigns and educational activities, such as corporate governance workshops as part of new employees’ orientation, CG Conference to instill in them positive mindset and standard of behavior in accordance with the principles of transparency, fairness and accountability, PTT Group CG Day 2021, No Gift Policy campaign, and Anti Corruption, etc. 212 IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 56-1 ONE REPORT 2021