IRPC One Report EN

(1) The company submitted financial reports to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the SET on time. The auditor expressed unqualified opinion on all entries. (2) The company disclosed information in the annual registration statement/annual report (form 56-1 One Report), including financial statements, good corporate governance policy and business ethics, corporate social responsibility policy, minutes of the shareholders’ meeting, list of majority shareholders, material news filings with the SET, company news in the media, online news bulletin, among other things. Investors may learn more about IRPC via its website: or contact the Investor Relations Department directly. E-mail: Telephone: 0-2765-7380 Fax: 0-2765-7379 (3) The company’s remuneration criteria for its directors and executive officers were clearly presented in the annual report. (4) The company also disclosed directors and executive officers’ shareholding information as per the company’s policy. Such information disclosure conformed to rules and procedures prescribed by the SEC Office and SET. (5) The SEC Office and SET never ordered the company to amend any of its financial statements. (6) The company’s current auditor was appointed by shareholders at the 2021 Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting. This certified public accountant was fully qualified and possessed none of the prohibitions under the SET rules. The audit fees and non-audit fees were presented to and approved by shareholders at the AGM. (7) The company’s financial statements were certified in its entirety by the auditor with unqualified opinion. (8) Information about the company’s directors and executive officers, including their names, current positions, education, experience, ownership of shares in the company, photos, directorship at other listed companies, and date of commencement in the current positions have been disclosed and published on the company’s website. (9) The company published the Corporate Sustainability Report 2021, detailing its management approaches and economic, social, and environmental performance. Copies of the Corporate Sustainability Report were delivered to shareholders, along with the Annual Report, and were also available on the company’s website. (10) IRPC also presented a Communication on Progress (COP) report to the UN Global Compact (UNGC) as the company has been a party to the global sustainability initiative since 2011. Since 2014 the company has submitted the highest reporting level known as GC Advanced. The report has been made available on the company’s website. An electronic copy was submitted to UNGC via (11) The company communicated with stakeholders via print media, radio, television, and other public relations channels. Disclosure to Investor and the Media IRPC published annual strategic communication plan for information disclosure to each stakeholder groups, adhering to principles of good corporate governance principles with regard to disclosure of information. In 2021, the company’s management met on regular basis with shareholders, securities analysts, investors, and members of the media through various activities that are adapted to suit the current situation, to discuss the company’s operating results. The meetings took place at forums, such as Analyst Meeting, Roadshows in Thailand and abroad. Other meetings with retail investors can be summarized as follows: 210 IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 56-1 ONE REPORT 2021