IRPC One Report EN

• IRPC took proactive preventive measures by offering employees Rapid Antigen Test Kits (ATK). In addition, IRPC upholds human rights and fully supports its employees’ freedom of association. Employees of IRPC and its subsidiaries have formed eight labor unions, including an executive union, to represent them in collective bargaining and to ensure fair treatment. The company encourage union activities and provide communication channel for unions to reach out to all employees via the Intranet. Community, Society and Environment IRPC strictly follows its policy to conduct its business with a sense of responsibility towards community wellbeing, people’s quality of life, and the environment. In parallel to its business operations, the company seeks to prevent and mitigate impacts to communities and the environment along with social projects aimed at driving sustainable growth. See details of corporate responsibility towards communities, society, and the environment in “Creating Shared Values” on page 140-145 and “Sustainability Management in Environmental Dimension” on page 146-149. Public Sector IRPC regards the public sector as one of its key stakeholders. To avoid actions that could lead to non-compliance or impropriety, the company has disclosed the policy on its engagement with the public sector in the Good Corporate Governance Handbook and business ethics. The company is committed to being in full compliance by obtaining all required business licenses, permits and benefits correctly and completely, while avoiding actions that conflict with good corporate governance principles in dealing with government officials or government bodies. IRPC adheres to its antibribery guidelines and will not offer bribes to public officials in exchange for convenience or business interests. 4. Disclosure and Transparency Disclosure IRPC endeavors to disclose adequate, reliable, and timely its information in accordance with the Notification on information disclosure guidelines for listed companies of the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Material information that may have an impact on investment shall be disclosed via the SET Portal before being revealed to any specific person or to the public through other means. The company will not provide trade secrets, inaccurate information, or estimates, projections, or promotional materials beyond the necessity of making investment decisions. IRPC has established channels for information disclosure or sources of information through the company’s website: in the Investor Relations section, and via the SET Portal, offering all stakeholders equal access. In 2021, the company implemented information disclosure activities as follows: The Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019) (“PDPA”) seminar was held by IRPC for the board of directors. 209 Corporate Governance Policy IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED