IRPC One Report EN

In addition, in case suppliers registered for the e-Tax Invoice system of the Revenue Department, they can also use e-Tax Invoices in their transactions with IRPC in lieu of submitting the original tax invoices to IRPC. Competitor: IRPC’s treatment of its competitors is in line with the international framework of free competition and in compliance with laws governing trade competition. The company treats competitors fairly and never seeks a competitor’s trade secrets through dishonest or improper means. It also never attempts to destroy a competitor’s reputation through malicious accusations or attacks. Moreover, IRPC never agrees with a competitor or any person to circumvent or limit free competition. Creditor: IRPC strictly complies with all obligations it has with accounts payable and financial institutions. The company has never attempted to conceal facts or information that ought to be in public knowledge in any manner that could cause damage to its creditors. IRPC has implemented many policies and guidelines that govern matters of creditors – especially the terms of guarantee, capital management, and defaults – to prevent payment failures and breaches of contract. Nonetheless, in the event that the company learns of its inability to fulfill any obligation, it will always notify its creditor without delay and work with the creditor to find a suitable solution based on reasonableness. The company is committed to maintaining lasting relationships with all creditors. Employee Employees are a major contributing factor to the IRPC’s success. With this in mind, the company is fully committed to creating a human resource management system based on fair performance assessment. Employees can expect to have the opportunity to grow along their career paths through training programs to broaden their knowledge and capabilities. The company seeks to promote safe work environment that meet the high internationally accepted standards as well as positive corporate culture and work atmosphere. IRPC determines reasonable and fair remuneration and welfare benefits to retain quality employees in the long term. The company also respects employees’ rights and privacy, promotes workplace safety, health and hygiene, and provide adequate protective equipment. The company has implemented a wide range of human resource management activities, such as: • IRPC conducts employee feedback survey once a year. Results from such survey are assessed to form the basis of company-wide human resource management planning with a view to continually improve employee engagement. Employee engagement is one of the management’s performance indicators. 207 Corporate Governance Policy IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED