IRPC One Report EN

had included a list of the documents and proof required, along with detailed instruction. By following these instructions carefully, the proxy should encounter no trouble at the meeting. Shareholders could assign any person to attend and vote on their behalf. The one-share-one-vote rule applies. Shareholders could download the proxy appointment Form A, B or C from the company’s website. • In the event that shareholders were unable to attend the AGM in person and would like to appoint a proxy or authorize an independent director to act as their proxy to propose agenda items at the AGM 2021. IRPC indicated in the attachment to the AGM 2021 invitation to 7 people: Mr. Anusorn Sangnimnuan, Mr. Woothisarn Tanchai,Mr. SomnukBomrungsalee,Ms. SiriwanChierapong, Air Marshal Boonsuib Prasit, Mr. Jumpol Sumpaopol and Mr. Sukrit Surabotsopon, to serve as proxies, together with proxy appointment letters. The company also enclosed other relevant documents, such as a location map, names and biodata of director nominees, the company’s independent director qualifications, and the company’s regulations (relevant to the AGM) as well as the power of attorney. • The company also made available duty stamps free of charge for shareholders’ appointment of proxies to ensure the legality of their documents. 3. Stakeholders’ Roles IRPC strives for excellence as an effective business operator with management prowess and good corporate governance oversight, to create benefits for shareholders, with due regard to all stakeholders. The company also insists on fairness in its business conduct as well as transparency and accountability. All of these are enshrined in the Corporate Governance Policy and Anti-Corruption Policy observed by the IRPC Board of Directors, the management and employees, inspiring confidence among its stakeholders on the path towards sustainable growth. 3.1 Guidelines for Treatment of Stakeholder Groups Shareholder/Investor and Analyst IRPC respects the fundamental rights of shareholders and treats all shareholders with equality with the aim to create best value for the shareholders, who are entitled to the rights to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM), to vote, propose the agenda items, and nominate director candidates to sit on the company’s Board of Directors. The company also organizes company visits by shareholders and welcome their opinions and suggestions. Available communication channels include the company’s website:, e-mail:, and IRPC also holds quarterly press conferences attended by analysts to discuss its operating results. The company organized the Opportunity Day in cooperation with the SET to provide investors access to corporate information as well as communication channels. (Details are shown in Information Disclosure and Transparency on Page 209-211). Customer/ Consumer IRPC takes upon itself to conduct its business with utmost integrity, transparency, and dedication to deliver products with quality standards that meet or exceed customer expectations. We are at the ready to provide valuable advice, introduce innovations to develop new products that satisfy internationally accepted standards. The company also emphasizes information technology system development to enable efficient and quick access to various database systems, with customer support that provides advice and helps resolve technical problems as well as builds good customer relationships. All the customer-facing operations are interactive, with channels of communication to receive customer feedback, such as customer satisfaction questionnaire, that helps the company serve them better. In 2021, with the long-drawn out COVID-19 crisis, IRPC implemented the following customer-related activities: • IRPC organized the “We Care by IRPC” project with partners, including Success Plast Co., Ltd., a manufacturer and distributor of corrugated plastic sheets, and RMC Intergroup Co., Ltd., a manufacturer, and distributor of PP BOARD, to donate plastic beds for field hospitals and waiting centers to alleviate the problem of hospital bed shortage as the number of people who contracted the virus disease surged. The project helped ease the burden of hospitals and their hard-working medical personnel. • IRPC also held a seminar on to discuss how businesses may survive and thrive at Polimaxx Webinar 2021. • The company hosted the 2021 Thank You party for its customers in an Online Event. 205 Corporate Governance Policy IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED