IRPC One Report EN

• A barcode reader was used for registration and vote counting, enhancing the efficiency, accuracy, and speed of the proceedings. Late-arriving shareholders were allowed to enter the conference hall even while the meeting was already underway and were able to vote on the remaining agenda items as long as the votes had not been cast. Calculation of quorum was made based on the number of shareholders present plus those who had just arrived at the discussion of an agenda item. • In 2021, 15 out of 15 directors were present, accounting for 100 per cent Board attendance). The Chairman of the Board acted as the chairman of the AGM and was joined at the shareholders’ meeting by chairpersons of all subcommittees, subcommittee members, the President and CEO as well as executive vice presidents and assistant managing directors and members of the management team were present at the front of the stage to provide clarification and background information and field questions from shareholders. • An auditor from Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Jaiyos audit firm (Mr. Mongkol Somphol), together with legal advisors (Mr. Manit Suthaporn and Ms. Veeranuch Thammaworanakupt of Virawong, Chinawat and Partners), were on hand for legal consultation. Two shareholders (Col. Suthep Uankaew and Mr. Vuthidej Vainakorn) volunteered to verify vote count at the AGM to ensure transparency. • The AGM 2021 was attended by a total of 1,171 shareholders, with a combined 12,529,805,200 shares, representing 61.32 per cent of the total issued shares. which exceeded one-third of the number of shares issued. • Before introducing the first agenda item, the chairman informed the meeting of the voting method and vote counting process with clarity. • During the AGM meeting, the chairman ascertained that every shareholder was entitled to equal opportunity to pose questions (in writing) and speak their mind in the allotted time. The chairman also assigned relevant directors and executive officers to field questions and resolve their issues with utmost clarity, and made sure questions, answers, suggestions, and opinions were recorded in the minutes with accuracy and completeness for the benefit of shareholders who were unable to attend the meeting in person. • On the agenda for director appointment, IRPC allowed shareholders to vote to appoint directors individually or as a panel of directors. • The chairman announced the AGM resolution on each agenda clearly, complete with details on the number of votes: Agree, Disagree or Abstain, with results projected on a screen. • The chairman strictly led the meeting through all agenda items and in the order indicated in the invitation letter. No impromptu items were allowed. 203 Corporate Governance Policy IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED