IRPC One Report EN

In 2021, the company received Excellent rating, scoring full mark of 100 in the assessment against the AGM Checklist of the Thai Investors Association. This reflects the company’s determination to organize meetings that satisfy the highest standards of sustainability and good corporate governance. In addition, the company values highly the suggestions made by attending shareholders which are considered for further improvements to meet their requirements. 1.2 Preparation before AGM • The company requested the Board of Directors to consider holding 2021 AGM notice at the February 2021 Board meeting. The Board agreed and issued AGM notice on February 10, 2021. On the same day, the Board’s resolutions on 2021 AGM notice were published in the Stock Exchange of Thailand’s information disclosure system, along with the announcement of Record Date on February 24, 2021. • IRPC encouraged every minority shareholder or group of minority shareholders with at least 4 per cent of all issued shares to propose agenda items and to nominate director candidates in advance from September 3, 2020 to January 31, 2021. This is in line with the Good Corporate Governance Assessment Criteria of the Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD), stipulating that all Thai listed companies should allow shareholders to propose agenda and nominate directors at least 90 days before the end of the fiscal year. The company issued a letter to notify the Stock Exchange of Thailand and published the said criteria on the company’s website: Nevertheless, no proposal of agenda or nomination of director candidate was made for AGM 2021. • In the AGM 2021 invitation, the Board of Directors specified seven items on the agenda, each was accompanied by an explanation of its objectives and the Board’s comment. (The approval of the 2020 AGM minutes was not included in any of the agenda items because a copy of the AGM 2020 minutes had previously been sent to every shareholder together with IRPC’s Shareholder Newsletter Vol. 33/2020 for verification as to the correctness and completeness of the minutes, as well as to report any inaccuracies. No shareholder voiced their concerns or objections, and the minutes were considered approved. • The company sent out AGM invitation to shareholders in Thai and English, along with other relevant meeting documents by mail. The invitation letters were delivered to all shareholders at least 21 days in advance of the meeting date as required (the invitations were sent on March 9, 2021) and published on the company’s website on March 2, 2021. In addition, the company sent the meeting invitation with barcode for registration and a QR Code for downloading the digital version of Annual Report 2020 (Form 56-1 One Report) and Sustainability Report 2020. • The company published the public announcement of AGM 2021 in daily newspapers (both Thai and English) for 3 consecutive days (March 22-24, 2021) prior to the meeting date as a reminder to all shareholders. • To facilitate the registration of institutional investors, the company sent out proxy forms to all institutional investors before the AGM meeting date in case the shareholders were unable to attend the meeting in person and wished to appoint a proxy to attend and vote on their behalf. 1.3 On the Meeting Day With the long drawn out COVID-19 pandemic, the company took upon itself to strictly observe disease control measures, including setting up screening checkpoints, requiring shareholders to fill out health screening form, providing hand-sanitizer gel, 1.5 meter physical distancing to avoid congestion. Attending shareholders were also asked to check in with Thai Chana application before registering for the meeting and to wear face masks at all times. Use of microphone by shareholders were discouraged. Instead, they were requested to write down any questions they might have on pieces of paper to be delivered by staff members. The AGM was limited to not more than two hours. The company made it a point to uphold the rights of all shareholders. All their questions were addressed and answered. Any questions that could not be fielded during the meeting were answered on the company’s website at: In addition, the company provided appropriate facilities for shareholders, including seniors, wheelchair users and pregnant women to make sure they have convenient access to their special seats. Foreign shareholders were able to follow the proceedings at the meeting with the help of interpreters. The company held the AGM according to the principles of good corporate governance as follows: • The company allocated sufficient number of welcoming and registration staff as well as registration desks. All shareholders had been informed in the AGM invitation that registration would begin approximately two hours before the meeting. 202 IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 56-1 ONE REPORT 2021