Privileges under Investment Promotion Certificates IRPC has been granted promotional privileges from the Board of Investment under the Investment Promotion Act 1977 for the following activities: Production of Compounded Plastic, Combined Heat and Power (“CHP”) Project, the Propylene (“PRP”) Project, EBSM Upgrading for ABS Specialties (“EBSM”) Project, Polypropylene Resin (“PPE”) Project, Polypropylene Compound (“PPC”) Project, High Pressure HDPE Compound Project, and project to improve production efficiency for energy efficiency of the refinery (“UHV”), the Floating Solar Project, and the PP Melt blown Project. Promotional privileges according to BOI promotion certificate under the conditions prescribed by the Board of Investment can be summarized as follows: (a) Exemption from import duties and taxes for raw materials and essential materials, including machinery approved by the Board of Investment. (b) Exemption from corporate income tax on net profits derived from the promoted business operation for a period of 5-8 years, from the date of earning income. (c) A 50% corporate income tax reduction for net profits derived from the promoted business operation for a period of 5 years from the date of expiration of the benefits under (b), and (d) Double deduction from taxable income of the costs of transportation, electricity, and water supply for 10 years from the date of earning income from the promoted business operations. In 2023, IRPC recorded revenue from sales (according to the separate financial statements) from business operations under investment promotion privileges, totaling Baht 13,106 million, a decrease of 33 percent from the previous year. Of this, domestic sales accounted for Baht 9,554 million and overseas sales Baht 3,552 million. Feedstock Volume Value % of Value (1) Metric Ton % Million Baht % Domestic Overseas Crude oil 9,245,678 81.01 211,474 78.20 3.02 96.98 Diesel 534,336 4.68 17,398 6.43 100.00 0.00 Natural gas 476,090 4.17 9,555 3.53 100.00 0.00 Jet fuel 444,726 3.90 13,423 4.96 100.00 0.00 Benzene 109,127 0.96 3,222 1.19 93.96 6.04 Biodiesel B100 94,510 0.83 3,311 1.22 100.00 0.00 Ethanol 45,234 0.40 1,699 0.63 100.00 0.00 Propylene 34,637 0.30 1,156 0.43 17.08 82.92 Light naphtha 32,958 0.29 755 0.28 63.64 36.36 Acrylonitrile 16,992 0.15 736 0.27 100.00 0.00 Others 378,765 3.31 7,696 2.86 78.99 21.01 Total 11,413,053 100.00 270,425 100.00 23.04 76.96 Note: (1) Share of value of crude oil is by sources while other feedstocks are by supplier countries. Feedstock Purchased in 2023 74 Structure and Business Operations of IRPC IRPC Public Company Limited