IRPC Annual Report 2023

77 Liquidity risk The Group monitors the risk of a shortage of liquidity through maintaining adequate reserves, banking facilities, credit facilities from the parent company and reserve borrowing facilities, by continuously monitoring forecast and actual cash flows, and by matching the maturity profiles of financial assets and liabilities. Approximately 52 percent of the Group’s debt will mature in less than one year as at 31 December 2023 (2022: 53 percent) (the Company only: 52 percent, 2022: 54 percent) based on the carrying value of borrowings reflected in the financial statements. The table below summarises the maturity profile of the Group’s non-derivative financial liabilities and derivative financial instruments as at 31 December 2023 and 2022 based on contractual undiscounted cash flows. (Unit: Million Baht) Consolidated financial statements As at 31 December 2023 On demand Less than 1 year 1 to 5 years > 5 years Total Non-derivatives Short-term borrowings from financial institutions - 7,200 - - 7,200 Trade payables - 34,305 - - 34,305 Other payables - 2,864 - - 2,864 Amounts due to related parties - 258 - - 258 Interest payables - 249 - - 249 Accrued bonus expense - 938 - - 938 Other current liabilities - 542 - - 542 Long-term borrowings from financial institutions - 8,885 10,998 - 19,883 Debentures - 2,000 24,455 17,545 44,000 Lease liabilities - 112 145 4 261 Long-term borrowings from a related party - - 25 6 31 Other non-current liabilities - - 11 - 11 Derivatives Derivative financial assets - 75 67 - 142 Derivative financial liabilities - 137 - - 137 370 IRPC Public Company Limited Notes to the Consolidate Financial Statements