IRPC Annual Report 2023

The “Cultivate Conservation Mindset to Preserve Community Forest” under the Plant and Protect project in Ban Khok Phluang community forest area, Chakrat District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. • Implemented both Top Down and Bot tom Up communication approaches, with the meeting between executives of the level of assistant managing director and above and departmental managers on a monthly basis. The company also organized the “President’s Town Hall” on a quarterly basis, or when there is a major event or when the company wants to communicate with employees on matters, such as operating results, policies, or a shift in the direction of the company. Employees are given the opportunity to ask questions and exchange views. • Set a fair compensation policy that corresponds to the company’s short- and long-term operating results. At the beginning of each year, guidelines for determining KPIs at the enterprise, departmental and individual levels will be agreed upon. Employees’ performance will be assessed using KPIs and Competency, and the payment of Variable Bonuses for senior executives will be based on their performance. • Upheld human rights and fully supported its employees’ freedom of association. Employees of IRPC and its subsidiaries have formed labor unions, including an executive union, to represent them in collective bargaining and to ensure fair treatment. The company encouraged union activities and provided a communication channel for unions to reach out to all employees. Details on employee relations appears in the Report under “Employees” section Page 246-249. • Community, Society and Environment According to its policy to conduct business with a sense of social responsibility, IRPC takes it upon itself to constantly pay close attention to the safety of the community, wellbeing and quality of life of people in the society and the quality of life of the people and the society as a whole. The company conducts its business, being mindful of the need to prevent • Employee Employees are a major contributing factor to the IRPC’s success. With this in mind, the company is fully committed to creating a human resource management system based on fair performance assessment. Employees can expect to have the opportunity to grow along their career paths through training programs to broaden their knowledge and capabilities. The company seeks to promote safe work environments that meet high internationally accepted standards as well as positive corporate culture and work atmosphere. IRPC determines reasonable and fair remuneration and welfare benefits to retain talents and highly qualified employees in the long term. The company also respects employees’ rights and privacy, promotes workplace safety, occupational health and hygiene as well as providing adequate protective equipment. IRPC implemented a wide range of human resource management activities: • Conducted the annual employee feedback survey. Findings from such survey were assessed and formed the basis of company-wide human resource management planning to continually improve employee engagement, one of the management’s performance indicators. • Established Performance Management System (PMS), using KPIs to ensure fairness and justifiability. The company established a salary structure comparable to companies in the same industry in order to retain qualified personnel. Criteria for promotion of employees are based on a fair assessment of their performance. IRPC also developed detailed job description specifying knowledge and skills required for each position for use to design training programs to help employees meet the qualifications required by any given position. • Created an individual development plan (IDP) between employees and their supervisors to create incentives for self-improvement and appropriate career path planning. 206 Corporate Governance Policy IRPC Public Company Limited