Human Rights
IRPC outlined the human rights management approach with the objective of receiving no human rights complaints from its business operations. IRPC strengthened its strategy in 2020 to drive the implementation of various human rights initiatives, established a responsible person for human rights management throughout the supply chain, raised human rights awareness, and built a network of human rights activities.
IRPC firstly announced our Human Rights Policy in 2017 and revised in 2020, signed and endorsed by Board of Directors, by adhering to significant human rights frameworks at the international level. The directors, executives, and employees of the IRPC Group companies are to uphold laws on labor and human rights, while respecting labor rights, women’s rights, children’s rights, and human dignity, as well as the liberty and equality of those certified by or protected under Thai and international laws. The policy applies to all employees in IRPC, subsidiaries, Joint Venture (JV), our business partners (suppliers, contractors, customers) as they are stakeholders. The policy also includes other stakeholders, including local communities, local residents, societyand and addresses vulnerable groups (children, person with disability, elderly, women, pregnant women, indigenous people, migrant people and LGBT+), that may be affected by the company’s operations (employees, direct activities, products or services) throughout the value chain, to protect and respect human rights and compensate for violations.
For additional details on the Human Rights Policy, please follow
IRPC Human Rights Policy is also supported by several other guidelines, including:
Human Rights refers to the fundamental rights and freedoms granted to all individuals. IRPC respects and demonstrates awareness of the importance of human rights in all stakeholder groups and understands salient human rights issues (issues at risk of the most severe negative impacts) present in the company’s own operations and business relationships (suppliers and partners, mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures), across its value chain. The scope of this element covers risk assessment, human rights management and due diligence, complicity in human rights violations, resettlements, and labor rights, among others. Moreover, IRPC has strictly followed the labor laws and endorses labor unions and groups that promote employees’ opinions and complaints, according to the labor law.
IRPC and its subsidiaries are committed to human rights principles as the standard business guideline entailing all stakeholders, including employees, local communities, local residents, society, business partners in the IRPC’s supply chains.
IRPC adheres to three main principles under its human rights management system, to “Protect”, “Respect”, and “Remedy”. To “Protect” is to apply human rights protections to the policy of IRPC and its subsidiaries, especially through increasing communication with employees, suppliers, business partners, and joint ventures. To “Respect” is to show respect towards human rights with zero tolerance for discrimination and harrassment by performing a human rights risk assessment, human rights due diligence, and supply chain management. If human rights are violated as a result of IRPC’s operations, IRPC would provide a “Remedy” according to its complaint mechanism, verification process and provide remedial actions and compensation appropriately.
Furthermore, IRPC also took part in developing a Human Rights Management System (HRMS), which is used in different business functions of PTT Group. The HRMS applies necessary guiding principles on human rights, which covers every activity in the company’s operations that may violate human rights, with the purpose of risk assessment and risk mitigation planning for issues related to human rights and tracking, monitoring, and reporting the outcomes. The system also defines the management structure with the roles and responsibilities of each unit responsible for human rights management.
IRPC’s due diligence process consists of the systematic approach as follows:
1. Identification of relevant human rights issues: IRPC identifies relevant and potential human rights risks associated with the following scopes; labor rights, community rights, supply chain, security and safety, environment, and customer rights.
2. Identification of vulnerable groups: IRPC identifies vulnerable groups as children, person with disability, elderly, women, indigenous people, migrant laborers , third-party contracted labor and LGBT+ who may be impacted by IRPC’s operations and are at risk of having their human rights violated.
3. Human rights risks and impact assessment: Impacts and likelihood of human rights risks are assessed at the corporate level of own operation and throughout the value chain, including IRPC affiliates, controllable and non-controllable joint ventures, and critical Tier 1 suppliers. The assessment process also includes the analysis of risk which is defined into four levels of risk impact (extreme, high, medium, and low level). The evaluated impacts at the medium to extreme level will be considered for relevant existing control functions within the organization to identify corporate human rights risks.
4. Mitigation measures and integration: IRPC has concerns about appropriate mitigation measures to alleviate human rights risks. Hence, IRPC develops risk mitigation measures that align with different risk levels. These mitigation measures are integrated, minimized, and controlled to a low residual risk level at an acceptable level. Examples of mitigation measures include managing security, occupational health and safety of employees, and mitigating environmental impacts.
5. Monitoring report and communication: The performance according to human rights mitigation measures is monitored and reviewed by responsible management teams annually to ensure human rights issues are rectified.
6. Remedial action: IRPC designs appropriate remedial actions to alleviate human rights impacts caused by the company. The remedial actions consist of both financial and non-financial methods to compensate for the impacts.
Vulnerable Group Assessment | Human Rights Issues Identified |
1. Children
Right to not be subjected to human trafficking, slavery, servitude, or forced labor |
Right of protection for the child | |
2. Local Community
Right to access to effective remedies |
Right to health, Right to natural resources, Right to safety , indeginous rights | |
3. Migrant Labor
Right to not be subjected to human trafficking, slavery, servitude, or forced labor |
Right to social security, including social insurance | |
Right to work | |
Right to equality and non-discrimination |
In order to align IRPC’s operation with other companies in the PTT Group and to ensure that the impact analysis and risk assessment on human rights meets international standards, IRPC has reviewed and improved its operation by designing a new “Human Rights Risk and Impact Assessment Methodology” . Such methodology serves as criteria for evaluating human rights work at IRPC and ensures that the management of quality, occupational health and safety, environment, social responsibility, and supplier screening processes comply with local and international laws and standards. There are five components to IRPC’s Human Rights Risk and Impact Assessment Methodology, including scoping, baseline data collection, impact assessment, mitigation measures, and reporting and review.
For more information on Human Rights Risk and Impact Assessment Methodology, please follow [Link]
IRPC conducts a human rights risk assessment, assessing the potential human rights that could be violated by IRPC’s business activities. IRPC applied the Human Rights Impact Assessment Mechanism (HRIAM)’s list of human rights risks as a guideline to define risk. The assessment evaluates likelihood and impact. Moreover, IRPC also identifies vulnerable groups that may be impacted by IRPC’s operations and are likely to have their human rights violated.
In 2020, IRPC continued its comprehensive human rights risk assessment by reviewing the entire supply chain, including the businesses of IRPC and its affiliates, including its new business relations (mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures), businesses that IRPC had and did not have the authority of control, and major trade partners. The human rights risk assessment applies to all operation sites, plants, and oil depots. IRPC also assures communities that their voice and concerns about the environment and their health are a priority for IRPC by conducting sharing sessions and a public hearing process for every new investment project.
In the overall risk assessment process, IRPC outlines the assessment framework, key issues of human rights risk, indicators for success, and measures taken. All of these are used to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of IRPC’s human rights initiatives under the framework.
Assessment Framework | Human Rights Risk Issue | Success Indicator | Measures Taken |
Employee (labor rights)
· Working conditions
· Human trafficking · Forced labor · Child labor · Safe and proper working conditions · Equality and discrimination · Freedom of association · Unions and negotiations · Right to collective bargaining · Equal remuneration · Discrimination |
· Percentage of employees and management level positions that received human rights training
· Percentage of female employees in the organization, including general staff and management level · Number of complaints on labor violations or forced labor · Percentage of resigned employees as a result of a human rights violation |
· 180 degrees survey between supervisors and staffs
· Fair welfare (wage, health care, benefits) · Endorsing labor unions · Training course to communicate human rights principles to employees · CEO Townhall to communicate employee concerns |
Supply chain (suppliers and contractors) |
· Supplier engagement
· Supplier Code of Conduct |
· Critical Tier 1 Supplier agreeing to IRPC’s Code of Conduct
· Percentage of contractors who received human rights training · Percentage of suppliers who received a supplier audit · Number of supplier and contractor incidents · Number of complaints of violation of IRPC’s Sustainable Code of Conduct |
· Communicating IRPC’s Code of Conduct to suppliers and contractors
· Supplier seminars on ESG · Safety training for contractors · Inspecting qualifications of contractors before working in a factory · ESG Onsite Audit of suppliers |
Safety and stability |
· Safety and stability management
· Safety and stability training |
· Percentage of contractors and subcontractors working on-site who received safety training before conducting work
· Number of complaints of human rights violations |
· Safety training for contractors |
Society and community |
· Livelihood and Standard of Living
· Health and hygiene of the community · Safety of the community · Community relationship · Cultural heritage · Ethnic groups and tribes · Migration of residency · Natural resources |
· Number of initiatives for improving community’s quality of life
· Number of complaints of human rights violations and number of resolved cases · Number of complaints of repeated human rights violations with full information disclosed |
· CSR initiatives (e.g., mobile clinic and community health promotional initiatives)
· Migration plan and emergency channel in the event of public safety |
Environment |
· Stability of water resources from the effects of pollutants
· Hazardous and non-hazardous waste management · Conserving biodiversity · Energy sources |
· Number of initiatives to improve water resources for the community
· Number of issues raised on water resource management with stakeholders · Number of complaints · The total amount of fines for violating environmental regulations |
· Air quality monitoring according to EIA
· Public hearing on new investment projects
Customers |
· Health and safety of consumers
· Customer personal data protection |
· Number of complaints repeatedly received from violation of customer rights on products and services
· Number of complaints or lawsuits on product label or product quality standards |
· Training on personal data requirements according to the Personal Data Protection Act |
For more information on Human Rights Risk and Impact Assessment Report, please follow [Link]
IRPC was awarded the Model Organization for Human Rights award 2023 by the Minister of Justice for the fifth consecutive year and is the only large organization to receive the award for three years in a row. The event was organized by the Rights and Liberties Protection Department, Ministry of Justice. The model organization of human rights is awarded to government, public state enterprises, or businesses of all sizes, which adhere to the human rights principles as the basis for all operations. The award also considers efforts to respect human rights; prevent human rights violations of employees, customers, and consumers; and reduce the number of human rights violation complaints. In 2023, IRPC presented the organization’s strategy for applying the human rights principles to IRPC’s corporate culture for production, excellent service, creating value for all stakeholders as part of a good society, and sustainable development of human well-being.
For more information on Human Rights Risk and Impact Assessment Report, please follow [Link]