The Board of Directors intends to promote high performance organization, corporate governance, and operational excellence, aiming to create utmost benefits to shareholders and all stakeholders.
The Board of Directors intends to promote high performance organization, corporate governance, and operational excellence, aiming to create utmost benefits to shareholders and all stakeholders. The Company runs the business with ethics, transparency and auditability. The Company, thus, has stipulated the corporate governance policy and enforced the Board, executives and employees to put into practice. The policy is stipulated as follows:
The Company runs the business with ethics, transparency and auditability. The Company, thus, has stipulated the corporate governance policy and enforced the Board, executives and employees to put into practice. The policy is stipulated as follows:
1. The Board of Directors, executives and employees are committed to put into practice the company’s six corporate governance principles.
- Accountability: Being accountable for his own decision and action. Such decision must be explainable.
- Responsibility: Being responsible for his duties with best performance and high efficiency.
- Equitable Treatment: Treating all stakeholders equitably with fairness.
- Transparency: Operating business, which must be auditable, with transparency, and enabling public disclosure to relevant parties.
- Vision to create long term value: Envisioning the creation of long-term added value in the benefit of the Company.
- Ethics: Operating business with ethics and code of conduct and enabling the management structure that holds relationship between the Board of Directors, executives and shareholders with fairness.
2. The Board of Directors shall perform their duties with determination, responsibility and independence. The Company shall explicitly segregate the roles and duties of the Chairman of the Board from the President.
3. The Board of Directors has crucial role in determining the corporate vision, strategies, policies, and action plans, and taking risk factors and management direction into consideration. Furthermore, the Board shall ensure that the accounting system, financial report and accounting audit are reliable.
4. The Board of Directors shall be the leader in ethics and role model in corporate governance practices. The Board shall oversee, govern and correct the issues related to conflicts of interest and related transactions.
5. The Board of Directors shall appoint sub-committees for specific issues to help review important matters with prudence.
6. The Board of Directors shall assess the annual self-appraisal as a framework of assessment of the Board’s performance.
7. The Board of Directors shall set forth the code of ethics of the Company and enforce the Board, executives and employees as well as contractors to put into practice along with the Company’s regulations.
8. The Company shall provide shareholders and stakeholders with sufficient, reliable financial and non-financial disclosure in timely manner. The Investor Relations Department and the Public Relations Department are responsible for disclosure to investors and the public.
9. The Company’s shareholders shall gain equitable treatment from, information technology accessibility to and suitable communication channels with the Company.
10. The Company suitably applies the systematic selection approaches for all important executive levels as well as transparent and fair recruitment procedures.