IRPC was honored as pilot organization supporting climate-friendly investment.
On August 31, 2023, Mr.Somboon Satasin, Senior Vice President, Quality, Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental represented IRPC in receiving certificate honoring IRPC as a pilot industrial organization supporting climate-friendly investment. The seminar disseminated results of the study on driving the ECC area towards Net Zero organized by the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) together with Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization) with the objective to support climate-friendly investment, emission trading system and promote trading of carbon credits in the EEC area by providing knowledge, measuring guidelines, calculation of greenhouse gas emissions trading system to promote an environment suitable for investing in low-carbon technology and initiate demand for carbon credits from the Thailand Voluntary Emission Reduction Program: T-VER through the Carbon Trading Platform which helps support and drive the domestic voluntary carbon market towards a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, carbon neutrality and Net Zero Emissions.