IRPC joined in declaring commitment in preparation for Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
On February 5, 2024, Mr. Somboon Satasin, Senior Vice President, Quality, Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental represented IRPC Public Co., Ltd. in joint declaration to participate in “Preparation for CBAM measures for export to the European Union” program, with the objective to accelerate preparation for exporters of targeted industries such as iron and steel, cement, electricity, fertilizer, aluminum, paper, ceramic, glass, plastic, hydrogen and chemicals to be able to comply with Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: CBAM using embedded emissions platform as a tool to evaluate and report to the EU, including recommendations to improve the platform. The event was presided by Mr. Kiatchai Maitriwong, Executive Director, Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization) or TGO at Rama Gardens Hotel, Bangkok with Facebook Live Streaming.